Back to my poor neglected blog

We have been back to our little farm for the last ten days where unfortunately there is no longer an internet connection! Ten blissful & busy days of catching up with lots of friends, pruning LOTS of roses, checking on the wheat crop, playing some tennis & generally getting some jobs done that didn't get done when we moved from the farm six months ago.
I realise it is unusual to be living between two properties, and we feel very blessed to be able to do so. Being back at the farm means being back in our 'big' garden. And like an old friend, it welcomed us with open arms! I walked through the entry arch to be greeted by sweet smelling jonquils, blooming away gloriously. Despite months of neglect, they faithfully pop up their heads & declare 'welcome home'!
And there were cheerful pink daisies ... ... orange Chinese Lanterns brighten a spot beneath a bare pear tree ... ... the very last of the roses bloom ...
... before their winter prune ...
... and elegant arum lilies,
flowering unseasonally in mid winter - a gorgeous surprise.I love my garden & can't imagine life without one!