The 'eyes' have it

I did my darnedest to resist, truly I did. But every time I walked past these fabrics in my local quilt shop, they were calling my name. Those sweet elephants, their innocent little eyes coaxing me, "Come on Bloom, you know you want to" ...
What is it with the eyes? The owls too have that pleading look, "Hoo, hoo, take me home ... take me home"!
And the monkeys? Well, who could resist such cheeky smiles!So try as I might, these cute creatures have charmed their way to my place, destined for what will hopefully be a busy weekend of sewing. They are from Melanie Hurlston's 'too cute for words' range, 'Little Menagerie'. Melly, you do 'eyes' way too well - I'm sure there's some subliminal messaging going on!
My plan is to whizz these up into a little 'Abracadabra' quilt for a new niece.
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