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The weather is blissfully rainy today, my favourite sort of day for sewing ... actually, my favourite sort of day full stop.

It is my first time at the sewing machine in ages. The brief: shorten the sleeves of a VERY EXPENSIVE Cue blazer by 3 inches!

Nothing like throwing myself in the deep end. I tend to avoid alterations like the plague, but when said blazer belongs to daughter, the rules seem to bend. Wish me luck! I am jumping in, armed with this excellent tutorial from The English Tailor - bless him!

Another video from This time I am running through how to shorten sleeves on a jacket. sewing repairs and alterations is a website designed in such a way that it is entirely video based and so it makes learning so much easier.

UPDATE: One sleeve shortened successfully. It has taken all day! Hopefully, the second one will be quicker and less nerve wracking ;)

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